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Purple color is the mix of hot energetic red and cold stable blue. You will seldom see it in nature in the pure state, so it gives the sense of a mystery and considered as a luxury and noble color. At most abstract paintings with the addition of purple shades, you may see it in small quantities, but this fact only highlights it's mysteriousness....

Purple color is the mix of hot energetic red and cold stable blue. You will seldom see it in nature in the pure state, so it gives the sense of a mystery and considered as a luxury and noble color. At most abstract paintings with the addition of purple shades, you may see it in small quantities, but this fact only highlights it's mysteriousness. Purple artworks are uplifting, creative and encouraging and may be hung in any room, especially with the walls colored in all shades of blue, red, brown, and universal gray colors.

The purple color is ambiguous, so it is rarely used in the interior. While some people consider it appealing and elegant, others avoid it as an overly saturated, grim and restless. However, when placed right, a purple painting does not only looks spectacular but also brings a positive effect. The shades of this color can help improve your mood, awaken creative forces, allow to concentrate and give the opportunity to calm down and reduce stress.

Choose the purple abstract painting

Due to the versatility of the purple color, everyone can find a favorite shade. Most popular are paintings in the shades of a deep purple, lilac, violescent, lavender-blue, purpureal, eggplant, amethystine, indigo, and plum to name a few. So, look at our read and navy paintings! Different purple abstract paintings create a different atmosphere in different rooms, from a calm and romantic loft bedroom to a luxurious and gorgeous living room.

When following the proper color selection, you can even hang dark purple abstract paintings to make the interior look amazing. Although they are considered massive and suppressive, sometimes they work more effectively than black & white paintings. Natural shades of a grape or plum are perceived better.

Which styles are best matched?

Purple abstract paintings are a desirable décor element for many styles:

  • Lavender – is an unspoken Provence advertising card;
  • The iris color is a symbol of Russian modern;
  • Any bright, saturated paintings ideally complement modern interior styles such as pop art, fusion or high-tech;
  • Minimalism and classical interior are a good match for many shades of this color;
  • Purple abstract paintings along with the other items can be used in the ethnic style interiors (for example, Arabic, Indian or Moroccan);
  • When used in the baroque, art deco or rococo styles, sensual purple abstract paintings will be harmoniously combined with elegant mirrors and crystal glare. The living or dining room gets even more glam and luxury when passionate purple canvases are combined with gold paintings.
  • How much does this purple painting cost?
    The price starts at 250$.
  • What is the delivery time of the purple painting?
    We send paintings by Express Delivery DHL and it takes 3–5 days only.
  • Which sizes of purple painting do you want?
    There are 4–6 sizes available for each art shape.
  • Struggle to find purple painting?
    We will help - contact us in a convenient way for you!

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